Looking for a Postdoctoral Position?

How to apply?

  • Steps to follow:

    1. Visit the page to find the available positions in different Interdisciplinary Research Centers (IRCs), Applied Research Centers (ARCs), and Joint Research Centers (JRCs). (More positions will be added soon)
    2. Fill online form https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSezjsuBf-AopUl0I0OTxpRR8TZj6fhBfCTawSmyijB2rIYRzw/viewform?usp=sf_link
    3. For any enquiries, please send email to postdoc22@kfupm.edu.sa

    Based on the initial evaluation, application material will be requested by the Human Resources hiring online system. Before applying on the system, the applicant should secure a mentor at the University working in his area of research.

    The application will then be evaluated by the host unit and the decision will be conveyed to the applicant.

  • Why Apply?

    King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM) is a highly ranked elite university in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The university is ranked 160th in QS World Rankings and has recently jumped several positions in most of its QS Subject Rankings. The strength and focus of the institution are its Engineering and Sciences programs where degrees at all levels are offered to both locals and international students. The University has recently obtained independent status and has been transforming both its academic and research programs (https://newsletter.kfupm.edu.sa). Several interdisciplinary research centers (IRC) have been planned and currently over 10 centers are available for excellent faculty to affiliate and engage in groundbreaking research.

    The University is also a rising star in global academics and research. It ranks 4th in Petroleum Engineering, 46th in Chemical Engineering, and 4th in the number of registered US patents (Year: 2019). It has an excellent teaching and learning environment, multiple opportunities to engage in trailblazing research, along with mentoring by experts in the field. In addition, the University has very advanced research labs and facilities. The hired Postdoctoral Fellows will have a good opportunity to build connections and research collaborations with researchers in the Interdisciplinary Research Centers. This will also keep them close to applied research projects conducted by these Centers for industry.

  • Type of Grant:

    The applicant could be hired at KFUPM through one of the following categories:

    1.   Hosting IRC.
    2.   Chair Professor.
    3.   University Distinguished Professor.
  • Requirements:

    The following are requirements to apply for the position:

    1. The applicant must possess a PhD (or its equivalent) degree earned from a reputable institution within the last 2 to 3 years.
    2. The Postdoctoral Fellow appointment is associated with an employment contract with KFUPM. All material requested by the HR department must be made available when requested. The duration of the initial appointment is one (1) year extendible to a total maximum of two (2) years.